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Old Man Murray - Continued:

Did you ever fear for you life?
Chet: Yeah.
Erik: I'm concerned about my life, yeah. My plan is to live forever. So far, so good.

How would you like to die?
Erik: Buried alive... With a supermodel!!!
Chet: WOOOOOOOOOO! Me too! Check this out I bet I'd be able to "trade sexual favours" for the last mouthful of clean air!
Erik: What are you talking about?
Chet: What do you mean?
Erik: Why would a supermodel corpse need air?
Chet: Wait...
Erik: I want to be entombed in the grave of a supermodel.
Chet: Is it too late to change my wish? I just want to be regular buried alive to death.

What do you think about the whole Video Game Violence debate?
Erik: I think it's just awful.
Chet: I hope they solve it soon.

When was the last time you threw up and why?
Chet: Come on. I'm serious. What is this crap?

If your site makes you a millionaire, what will you do with the money?
Erik: Well, since we're imagining, jet skis would only be two dollars and I'd buy half a million of them. And a mansion. And do you know who my best friend would be? A little actor you might have heard of... Freddie Prinze, Jr.!
Chet: I'd just be happy that our fortune wasn't all in quarters.

What's the best platform on which to play games (NES, PC, pen and paper. . . )?
Erik: Given the choice between NES, PC, pen, and paper, I would choose PC, with the paper as my safety.
Chet: I guess the PC. I don't like this question.

Has your gaming ever interfered with your regular life? How?
Chet: One time, Erik got so wrapped up in a game that he forgot to graduate high school!
Erik: ha ha. One time, Chet got so wrapped up in a game, he forgot he was a fag.
Chet: I'm not a fag.
Erik: See?

What's your favourite Pokemon?
Erik: Which is the one they call "man's best friend"?
Chet: A dog?
Erik: No, that's not it. I'm talking about the one that has the goat head.
Chet: Goatle?
Erik: No. You know, the one with the burning red coals for eyeballs.…
Chet: Are you talking about the devil?
Erik: You mean Satan?
Chet: Yeah.
Erik: No, that's not it. The one I'm talking about has one of those Abraham Lincoln hats.

What is your ATM password?
Erik: Mine's "Don't like my driving? Call 1-800-EAT-S--T!"

Chet: HAHAHAHA. Feel the burn,!

If you met a beautiful mermaid, and you fell in love with her, would you give up your life here on "the ground" to go live with her "underwater" (assuming her kiss would enable you to breathe underwater, and her father liked you)?
Erik: Once again, is this some kind of British euphemism for taking it up the pooper? No.
Chet: If "taking it up the pooper" means what I think it does, then no. Otherwise, maybe.

Finally, can there be a perfect mixture of porn and games?
Chet: Japan is a pretty good example of this. It's about 50% porn, 50% game.



2. Crates and a Croatian
After offending staff of The Mushroom, John Carmack, and John Romero, Erik moves to ask Roman Ribaric (CEO of Croteam, the Eastern European developers of Serious Sam) some serious questions about this first-person action title:
Erik: There won't be any levels that take place in a sewer, right?
Roman: No, no dark areas. Among others, we'll have Lava Planet, Water Planet and Ice Planet. So, it's all bright and colorful. Also, we'll have some cyber ones, but you definitely won't go for brightness/ contrast buttons, or your money back guaranteed.
Erik: Hmmm. Water planet, Ice planet, Lava planet, and Cyber planet. Maybe we should drop this subject. Do you plan on having any crates in the final game?
Roman: If I got this crate word, you mean vehicles. Yes, we plan to have space crate in last game section where you approach Sirius city and the Mental's palace.
Erik: It warms my heart that you don't know what crates are.



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